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Mosquito monitoring is undertaken by local experts who volunteer their time to improve the quality of life for our community. You can help with this monitoring by reporting bites. The more information we receive, the more we can create an accurate picture which in turn helps with targeting dredging works to minimise the mosquito menace. You can report bites here using our online form, alternatively you can also report bites via the Neston Life Android App and Neston Life Apple App.

Mosquito Control

Whilst it is not possible to eradicate mosquitoes, Neston Town Council is committed to controlling the numbers in an environmentally responsible way.

The Town Council works with partners to implement a co-ordinated plan for mosquito control based on the concept of Open Marsh Water Management. Pool creation and ditching works, all of which are approved in advance by Natural England, are carried out as part of an ongoing and targeted programme, the effects of which are monitored and in turn inform future management.

Mosquito Forecast

Mosquito monitoring is undertaken by local experts who volunteer their time to improve the quality of life for our community. You can help with this monitoring by reporting bites. The more information we receive, the more we can create an accurate picture which in turn helps with targeting dredging works to minimise the mosquito menace. You can report bites here using our online form, alternatively you can also report bites via the Neston Life Android App and Neston Life Apple App.

Green traffic light

The current forecast is GREEN

Few adult mosquitoes from the marshes, Aedes detritus, have been trapped this week, reflecting the drying of the breeding pools on the marshes in the last few weeks. However the recent very heavy rain has at last started to refill the pools and some now have freshly hatched, tiny 1-2 mm larvae. If the pools remain wet, these will take about 3 weeks to mature (depending on temperatures).

However the rainwater has resulted in some other freshwater species of mosquitoes flourishing. In particular traps have caught a surprising number of a species called Anopheles plumbeus. Numbers are small compared to peaks of marsh mosquitoes but Anopheles plumbeus is also renowned as a “vicious biter”. Most unusually, they are a species which only breed in water collections in trees, and so it is in wooded areas where the biting nuisance may be noticed.

Overall the mosquito biting nuisance is expected to remain low, though horseflies may continue to cause a problem if the sun comes out.

Keys to traffic lights forecast

Serious risk. Many Neston residents are likely to be bitten, especially but not only in the evenings. Precautionary methods as outlined in the FAQs should be used when gardening or enjoying barbecues.

Medium risk. Some Neston residents may be bitten, especially on still warm evenings.

Low risk. Neston residents are unlikely to be bitten.

Feedback on Mosquitoes and the Mosquito Monitoring Programme

Send us feedback on our monitoring reports by emailing us at:

Further Reading

A report by Dr. Peter Enevoldson on mosquito monitoring during 2023 is available to download: Mosquito Monitoring 2023.

A copy of the study by Michael Clarkson, Phil Jones and Sandra Hughes‐Crean entitled “Domestic mosquitoes in the Neston area of Cheshire, UK”. This single page PDF summarises the detail and conclusion of a long term study into the mosquitoes on the Dee estuary marshlands around Neston and the immediate surrounding towns and villages. This document is downloadable here.

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