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Neston Town Council Precept Increase

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Neston Town Council commissioned an external review of our services and systems in 2022.  The report, which is in the public domain, found that the Council was generally in a good position but it lacked a clear strategy going forward. 

It made several recommendations for a 5-year strategy and these were collated into a consultation document which was circulated widely around the Parish. This included taking a stand at the Neston market, with Cllrs present, 3 open sessions within the Town Hall and at regular Council surgeries at the library.  In all these venue Councillors made themselves available to discuss the strategy and accept any consultation responses.  Over 100 responses were received, which is considered an acceptable response for such consultations.  These indicated responders’ priorities for the implementation of the strategy.

In order to deliver this strategy, and what you have said you want from us as a priority, an increase in the Council’s precept is essential.

Neston Town Council understands that this is, in percentage terms, a larger increase that we have ever asked for in the past, but in financial terms it is a small amount per household.  A household within Band D rating will pay an additional £14 per year.  A significant number of households in Neston are Bands C & below and these will pay less than £1 per month extra.  Households qualifying for Council Tax relief do not pay this precept.

Neston Town Council is looking forward to working with our new Chief Officer, as our current Town Clerk of many years is now retiring.   Neston Town Council is planning to deliver an extended range of services within the Parish over the next 5 years.

The full strategy document can be viewed on the Council’s website:    The full strategy document can be viewed HERE

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