Alpine Garden Society
Wirral and West Cheshire Group.
We are an enthusiastic and friendly group who share a love of alpine plants and the places where they grow. The Group has some 60 plus members and meets at Ness Botanic Gardens on the second Friday of the month from September to May at 7.30 p.m. to enjoy a varied programme of talks from visiting speakers. There are plant sales at each meeting, a raffle with alpine plants as prizes and a chance to chat over a cup of tea or coffee.
In late Spring we have our own Plant Show, plus coach and field trips. At Ness we hold our annual plant sale, ‘Alpines for All’, usually on the third Sunday of June, selling members’ plants alongside those of invited specialist alpine nurseries. We collaborate closely with Ness Gardens, and members volunteer in the Gardens to help maintain the alpine plant collection and display areas.
We warmly welcome visitors and potential new members to all our meetings. There is a small annual subscription and a meeting fee towards the cost of raffle and refreshments. You can also choose to join the national body of the Alpine Garden Society. This has a renowned Seed Exchange Scheme and a prestigious Journal, as well as organising Regional Shows, Conferences and Overseas Tours.

Alpines are fascinating plants to grow. It is true that some do need cosseting with protection from our damp and wet winters, but the great majority are quite resilient and survive with minimal attention, given good drainage and an open position. Modern living means smaller gardens with less time to devote to them. We can all find space to grow some of these alpine treasures in a pot or a trough.
We’d love to see you at our next meeting. For further information, please contact either Lyn on or Rodney on
You can also join our page on Facebook.