Neston Civic Society
What does the Society do?
We are concerned with: The Local Environment – Planning – Architecture – Conservation.
Please visit the website for the Society for more information. Registered with the Charity Commission No. 515628. We welcome new members. The subscription is £5 a year for each household.
Current Secretary Lindsey Hinks available by email:
Treasurer Janet Griffiths available by email:
The Society was founded in 1980, and published its first newsletter in January 1981. Neston is an important historic town which has been occupied since Saxon times. A town of warm sandstone and mellow brick, with many fine historic buildings. It is a beautiful place to live, work and visit.
Particular areas of concern to the society are:
- Choice of windows and doors, particularly in period properties where design and materials are of great importance to the style of the house.
- The impact of appropriate shop fronts and advertising along the most important roads in town.
- The use of well chosen building materials which blend in with the distinctive character of the town.
We campaign to bring about improvements in and about Neston with particular emphasis on the Neston Conservation area.
- We send our views on planning applications to Cheshire West & Chester Council.
- A Newsletter is published twice yearly.
- We normally have talks six times a year at Neston United Reformed Church Hall (see Event calendar)
- We publish “Neston Town Trail”, a newsletter which is available for free in the Town Hall and Library.
- We organised a petition for a Neston Parish Council in 2005, which led to Neston Town Council being established in 2009
- We adopted Neston Station in December 2006, organised a mural in the underpass, which won Cheshire Best Kept Station Youth Challenge Award 2008, and new graffiti-style murals in 2010.
- From 2003 – 2013 we planted and looked after the plants around Neston Cross, and Neston Town Hall.
- We entered Neston & Little Neston in Cheshire’s Community Pride competition: in 2007 we were runners-up, and in 2008 we won! In 2014 we were fifth out of five, with a Little Gem Award for the Bushell Fountain, and Runner Up for the website in the Market Towns category. In 2019 we were runners-up in our category, and won the most improved award for the whole of Cheshire. As 2019 was the last year the competition was run, the plaque is displayed in front of Neston Town Hall.
- We joined with other local organisations to launch OURCH64, which asked local people in 2009 how the money coming from the new supermarket should be spent. Later we joined the Sainsbury’s S106 Group, which advised CWaC on how the money should be spent.
- In 2020 we installed two copies of a map of Neston Conservation Area in the Market Square.
- In 2020 we installed an honour board in Neston Town Hall, listing leaders of Neston Town Council.