Willaston & South Wirral Rotary Club
Rotary Club of Willaston & South Wirral is part of Rotary International which was founded in 1905 by Paul Harris in Chicago and is the largest humanitarian service organisation of business and professional men and women in the world with some 1.2 million members in 34,000 clubs operating in more than 200 countries and geographical areas. The Rotary motto is ‘Service above Self’ and its objects are:
- Provide humanitarian service to the local, national and international community.
- Encourage high ethical standards.
- Work for goodwill and peace in the world.
Community service is the traditional and well known face of Rotary. It covers help and advice to the aged, the infirm, young people and all those in need either directly or through local charitable organisations.

In general Rotary encourages clubs to focus on community projects on fighting hunger, environmental concerns, illiteracy, drug abuse and helping young and the elderly. On the international front Rotary sponsors a wide range of programmes. One of the most successful projects is the Polio Eradication Project where Rotarians worldwide raised over £300 million resulting in only a few hundred cases of polio worldwide, when in 1988 polio paralysed more than 350,000 children. Membership of Rotary is by invitation linked to a vocational category and is offered to owners, senior managers, partners etc in all types of businesses and professions. In an increasingly complex world Rotary offers two of the most basic human needs – friendship and fellowship.
The Rotary Club of Willaston & South Wirral meets on the second and fourth Wednesday each month, at The Nags Head, Hooton Road, Willaston, Neston CH64 1SJ, gathering at 7.15pm for 7.30pm start.
We are a fledgling group, most of whom live in or near the village, of mixed ages and both sexes. Our aim is to enjoy ourselves whilst helping good causes. Currently we are raising funds to support the Willaston Playground Appeal and considering future projects.
We welcome new members and invite anyone to our gatherings and hopefully to add their ideas and join our fund-raising extravaganzas!
Please contact either Colin or Debs for more information on 0151 923 1240 or via email: colin.rcwsw@gmail.com.