Neston to West Kirby along the Wirral Way
Distance 8 miles
Car Parking: Station Road, Neston; Dee Lane or Orrysdale Rd, West Kirby
Nearest Railway Stations: Neston (Wrexham/ Bidston line), West Kirby (Merseyrail)
Nearest cycle repair: Pedal Power, Burton, NESTON 07502 370 261 until 8 p.m.
Most of the Wirral Way is divided into a horse track and a combined cycle/ pedestrian track; please slow down for pedestrians, give plenty of warning of your approach and be ready for dogs to walk in front of your bike. There are splendid views of the Dee Estuary and the Welsh hills. At Parkgate, south of Station Road you can see a ‘pillbox’ left from World War II, and north of Station Road, remnants of the old station.
- Join the Wirral Way at Station Road, Neston, or at Church Lane, Neston.
- After 3 miles, join Riverbank Road, which becomes Davenport Road, for ½ mile
- Either turn right to rejoin Wirral Way, or fork left along Wittering Lane then left into Banks Road and right to rejoin the Wirral Way just before a left bend
- 1 mile later, turn left onto the cycle/ horse track.
After 200 yards the Thurstaston Country Park on your left provides information, toilets, and sometimes refreshments in the shop, and the nearby GJ’s Coffee Shop (10 – 5.30 every day). - The Wirral Way ends at Grange Road, West Kirby, by shops, cafés, pubs, and the railway station.
- You can return via the Parade, by turning left into Grange Road, left into Dee Lane, and left onto the Parade, which is one-way. At the south end, join Sandy Lane, 2nd right into Macdona Drive, left along Shelley Way to rejoin the Wirral Way.
This ride is mostly off-road and level. At Parkgate you cross the busy road Station Road; at Heswall you go along the fairly quiet Davenport Road, and at Caldy you cross the quiet Croft Drive.