Neston U3A
Neston U3A gives you the chance to pursue all those interests that you wished you had time for when you were working.
You can choose from more than 40 different activities. They can be intellectual like literature or languages or they can be physical like walking or dancing. If skills are your thing, there are craft groups or computer groups to join. The activities are provided by our members for our members, so the range is wide and the cost is minimal. If you yourself have a particular expertise you may enjoy sharing it with other members.
We also organise outings to interesting places and have a speaker once a month. Why not come along as a visitor to this monthly meeting and find out more about us? The meeting is held on the last Thursday in the month at Neston Civic Hall at 2pm. (Doors open at 1.15pm)
There is a lot of information at on the Neston U3A Website.
The University of the Third Age is for older men and women who wish to share educational, creative and leisure activities. New members are most welcome.