Neston’s Christmas Lights Switch on Event – Saturday 30th November
This year’s Christmas Lights Switch on Event will be a community-run event, funded by Neston Town Council. Events will be taking place in Neston Town Hall & Market Square, Neston Library, Neston Parish Church and Neston Community & Youth Centre, culminating with the Lights Switch on event at The Cross at 6.00pm.
The town centre cafés have been encouraged to stay open late so that you can visit them to warm up after the event. You also have a great selection of local restaurants and pubs you can choose to support.

Neston Town Hall & Market Square
There will be a festive Artisan Food & Craft Market inside the Main Hall, a great opportunity to buy some beautiful hand-crafted gifts or get some delicious foodie treats. The first aid station for the event will also be located in the Town Hall reception area.
There are often comments made that some people are not able to visit the wonderful Friday market, due to work commitments, etc. Therefore, Neston Town Council have arranged for some regular traders, who aren’t committed to other markets on a Saturday, to trade at this event with a few festive additions, plus a great selection of food and drink vendors, activities and places for you to sit and enjoy the music and atmosphere. Festive music will be provided by the Kylemore Community Ceilidh Music Group out on the market square and the brilliant 64 N’Ukes will be out and about busking as will Neston’s very own Gabriel Roberts.
The market will also include:
- A FREE Christmas trail with a small festive prize for every entrant, entry forms and prizes can be collected from the charity book stall.
- ‘Lomo crafts’ will be offering a FREE paint your own Christmas tree ornament activity for both children and adults, you also have the option to purchase an alternative model to paint on the day or take home as a kit.
- ‘Essentially Josephine’ will be offering some FREE side stall games with a little prize, alongside her stall selling trinkets, drinkware & personalised items etc.
- Martyn Harvey, author of the Squiggly Pete the Pirate books, will be doing some festive cartooning and painting alongside the sale of his fabulous books.
- ‘Cranked Gorilla’ will have some retro computer and console games for you to try your hand at for FREE.
Lots going on at the Town Hall and on Market Square, and this is just one of the locations involved on the day, so make sure you visit them all, and perhaps call back to the Market Square for something delicious to eat, or just a warm drink.
Neston Library
Santa will be taking time out from his busy schedule to meet you all from his Narnia themed grotto inside Neston Library from 1.30pm to 5.00pm. He will be assisted on the day by members of the Wirral & Neston Rotary Club.
After visiting Santa children will also be able to take part in a FREE gingerbread decorating activity and refreshments will be available too.
Neston Parish Church
Rev Fr Kevin Crinks, and of course his loyal dog Brian, are pleased to be offering refreshments inside the Parish Church.
From 1.00pm to 5.00pm there will be a FREE face painter, a FREE biscuit decorating activity, with The Wooden Spoonful, and Little Actors will be holding a teddy tombola, all located inside the church, and at 4.00pm Little Actors will be providing musical entertainment.
Neston Community Youth Centre
NCYC will be holding FREE lantern making workshops in November, details of how to book can be found on their website or please phone 0151 336 7805 for further information.
Between 11.00am and 2.00pm NCYC will be offering festive games plus a range of FREE craft activities to get involved in, including friendship bracelet making with Community Yarn Crafts, and creating Christmas decorations from recycled items, courtesy of Neston Earth Group. You could also enjoy a drink from the Hot Chocolate Station before following the Candy Cane Trail to the other locations involved on the day.

The Finale
Late afternoon, Neston Pirate Samba will be visiting all locations to ‘drum’ up support for The Finale, led by Little Actors Theatre Company’s very own Pantomime Dame and Fairy Godmother.
Santa will walk from the parish church to The Cross accompanied by local children carrying their lanterns and the Lyceum Band will be playing Christmas tunes. The Little Actors panto duo will be in on the action again at The Cross where there will be lots of opportunities for everyone to join in and sing some festive favourites. Santa and Neston Junior Council will switch on the lights at 6pm.
Please take care when making your way home as Market Traders will be packing away, and vehicles, including vans, will be moving around on the Market Square.
It all looks set to be a fantastically festive day, bringing the community together. Neston Town Council would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Christmas.
Keep an eye on our website for more information and further updates