Friends of Park Fields
Friends of Park Fields, set up in January 2007 by a group of Parkgate residents and others, seeks to enhance Park Fields for the benefit of local and other users, and to protect this area of Open Space from inappropriate development.
We aim to:
- Inform and consult with Parkgate residents and other users of the fields over any proposed development of this land
- Act as a representative body in dealings with the Local Authority in the interests of the community and all users of this open space
- Safeguard the traditions of the village of Parkgate by preserving the natural beauty, setting and character of Park Fields.
The Friends of Park Fields received an award from the “Awards for All” Big Lottery Fund, which was used to carry out a programme of work to improve “The Cowfield”.
The hedges around the Cowfield had been neglected for many years and the Friends engaged the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers to carry out hedgelaying along the Wood Lane boundary of the field, and to gap up areas of the hedge.
The Committee and a group of local volunteers spent an enjoyable few hours clearing away debris and burning “brash”. Further Volunteer Days are planned for the 1st Saturday of the month, when we hope to do some hedge planting and create “Trial Plots” to establish the best way to turn an area of the field into a wild flower meadow. All volunteers will be welcome.
Two new benches have been sited on the field to enable those who want to sit and enjoy the views across the Dee Estuary to Wales. One bench was donated by Neston Town Council. Mrs Brenda Dowding, donated another bench and some money for improvements to the entrances of The Cowfield from her Member Grant Budget. W Bibby Ltd were kind enough to make and donate the fixing brackets for the benches. The Friends thank all the above for their generous contributions.

If you would like to be involved, either as a member, or a volunteer (in any capacity, however small {delivering leaflets, or getting involved in light or heavy manual work on the field from time to time} please get in touch. Just get in touch via email:
The website for the fiends of Park Fields is:
Everyone interested and concerned about safeguarding Park Fields as an amenity that contributes to the health, happiness and well-being of local people and visitors is invited to join.
A full Management Plan, to ensure a co-ordinated, consistent and sympathetic management approach to Park Fields has been prepared. Copies are available to view or download at the bottom of the page.
Download the documents (PDF format)
Friends of Park Fields Management Plan
Friends of Park Fields Executive Summary
Friends of Park Fields Newsletter 04
Friends of Park Fields Newsletter 05
Friends of Park Fields Newsletter 06