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Welcome to Neston Town Council’s latest Strategy. It sets out our vision for the future of the town and our aims and priorities over the next four years to help take it in that direction. As you would expect, it builds on other partnership and community ambitions such as the Neighbourhood Plan, we have not thrown away good ideas from the past. We have consulted widely, listened and made a number of changes from our Consultation Draft.

In this document, we have firmly nailed our direction of travel by highlighting the role of the Town Council in achieving our Vision for the Town. In doing so, we acknowledge it will take a strong partnership with a number of organisations to attain our goals. As the local authority closest to the people of the town, we are uniquely situated to best represent the views of our communities and to help coordinate the actions of those who can deliver improvement.

The document is the recognition of where we are and what needs doing. It is a commitment to tackle the issues identified with vigour, over a realistic period of time. The Council will be careful with public money, but will not be afraid to invest in the future. We are backing this up by reviewing our governance, and increasing transparency in our decision making.



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