Burton & Neston History Society
The Society started as the Burton and District Local History Society on 21 April 1975 at Burton Manor College. It grew out of a local history course there led by Paul Booth from Liverpool University. Paul Booth became our President in 1999.
Its prime purpose is to study and research local history, and it published Burton in Wirral in 1984 and in 1996, Neston 1840-1940. Both books are now out of print, but are in Neston Library. In 1999 it followed these up with Neston at War 1939-1945 and in 2014 with Neston Stone Age to Steam Age. These books, as well as being well researched and to a high scholastic standard, are also good to read.
We meet on the second Thursday of each month from October to May at 8 p.m. in the Gladstone Village Hall in Burton. New members and visitors are always welcome, and complimentary tea or coffee are provided at each meeting. Visitors are free on the first occasion. Expert speakers share their knowledge and enthusiasm at the meetings and the Research Group is always on the lookout for keen new people. Individual membership is £5, and £7 for a family.
The historical village photographs displayed in the Gladstone Village Hall canteen were provided by the Society in memory of previous President, Ron Jones. For more information see the Society Website.