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Mayor of Neston’s New Year address 2023

Photograph of the Mayor wearing the mayoral chain

First of all, I would like to wish all our residents, businesses and visitors a happy, peaceful and healthy New Year.

2023 promises to be an exciting and dynamic year for Neston.  Last year NTC consulted with residents to gauge their priorities for the town.  I am delighted to say that your Town Council will be implementing several of the results of the consultation this year and continuing over the following 4 years.

To facilitate this we will be recruiting a new Chief Officer as our long serving Town Clerk, Alison Kunaj, retires at the end of March.  We all wish to thank Alison for her many years of dedicated work.  Alison was with us at the very start of NTC back in 2009 and has worked to help grow the Council since then.  Her input into the recent review has been considerable and we now wish her many happy years to enjoy her well-earned retirement.

Our market continues to grow and develop and makes a valuable and much appreciated contribution to the life of Neston.  Following a well-earned Christmas and New year break our regular traders will be back on Friday 13th (hopefully a GOOD date for us all) and we welcome them all back.

The Council appreciates that the end of 2022 and going into 2023 has been a challenging time for many of our residents but it has also shown that when the community pulls together, as our Neston volunteers and residents have, we can come through to a brighter future.

Our Councillors look forward to possibly seeing several of you over the coming months.

Cllr Pat Kynaston

Mayor, Neston Town Council

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